Middle School

Welcome to Middle School at Christ’s Church Academy

Middle School Courses and Class Electives 2024-2025 

Academic Excellence

Our middle school curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire students, fostering a love of learning and critical thinking. We offer a range of subjects, including advanced math and English courses, science, social studies, and electives that allow students to explore their interests and talents.

Faith-Based Education

At Christ’s Church Academy, spiritual growth is integral to our mission. We incorporate Christian principles into every aspect of our education, offering daily Bible studies, weekly chapel services, and opportunities for prayer and reflection. Our goal is to help students develop a strong, personal faith that will guide them throughout their lives.

Character Development and Leadership

We believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to lead with integrity and compassion. Through our character education program, students learn the importance of honesty, responsibility, respect, and kindness. We also provide numerous opportunities for leadership development through discipleship groups, clubs, and community service projects.

Supportive Community and Small Class Sizes

Christ’s Church Academy is committed to providing a supportive, family-like environment where every student is known and valued. With small class sizes, our teachers are able to provide personalized attention and build strong relationships with their students, ensuring each child receives the support and encouragement they need to succeed.

Middle School at Christ’s Church Academy

Middle school is a time of transformation and growth, often accompanied by new experiences for both students and parents. At Christ’s Church Academy, we understand the importance of guiding our students through these critical years with a strong foundation in faith and values.

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